About Us
Attorneys / Team
Hawk Barry
Gregory T. Babbitt
Josh Green
Michelle A. Cook
Lilia Fernanda Guizar
Kathy Pham
Kaylin Masis
Brianna Means
Stacia Ratliff
Karla Gasca
Haley Savage
Attorney Referrals
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Info Center
Auto Fraud
Certified Used Vehicles
How Car Dealers Cheat You
12 Auto Dealer Tricks You Need To Know
Your Rights as a California Vehicle Consumer
Auto Dealer Fraud FAQ’s
Top 10 Questions To Ask Before You Buy
Dealer’s Right to Cancel
Prior Rental Vehicles Scheme
Are CARFAX Reports Reliable?
Beware of Buy-Here-Pay-Here Dealerships
License Fee Overcharge
Sale of “mandatory” add-ons
“Certified Pre-Owned” Fraud
Lemon Law
FAQ About CA Lemon Law
Lemon Law 101
Do You Need A Lawyer for Your Lemon Law Case? YES!
What is a “Reasonable” Number of Repair Opportunities?
What Constitutes a “Repair Opportunity”?
How Do I Buy The Right Car?
Important Links
RV & Motorhome Lemon Law
Hall of Shame
Contact Us
Potential Client Questionnaire
" indicates required fields
First Name
Last Name
Best Phone Number to Reach You?
Okay to Text You?
Yes, I can and will accept Text messages.
Email Address
From which California Car Dealer did you purchase your car?
Was the Car NEW, USED or CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED when you bought it?
Certified Pre-Owned
How do you use the car?
Personal & Commuting to Work
Personal & Ride-Share (Uber, Lyft)
Commercial Use
Approximately WHEN did you purchase the car?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
What is the YEAR, MAKE & MODEL of the car?
Approximately how many miles were on the car when you purchased it?
How many miles are on the car now?
What was the PURCHASE PRICE of the car NOT INCLUDING interest, extended warranties, etc?
Did you finance the purchase with a loan?
Yes, Arranged through the Dealer with Lender.
Yes, Arranged on my own.
Yes, Making Payments to the Dealer Directly.
No, Paid in full.
Did sign and were you given a copy of your credit application?
Yes, Signed and was given a Copy.
I may have signed but don't have a copy.
I am unsure.
If you financed the purchase, please list the Lender's Name if known.
If you financed the purchase, are you current with the payments?
Yes, Making Payments or Paid Off.
No, Late or Stopped
Do you still have the car?
No, Returned to Dealer or Sold.
No, Repossessed.
What, if any, questions did you ask the dealership staff before buying the car? And how did they answer your questions?
Thank you for your patience. What would you like us to know about your purchase? Please include information such as what went wrong, did you contact the dealer, was it fixed, how long did it take, etc? Please include a TIMELINE or DATES, either exact or ranges whenever possible.
Please tell us what steps you have already taken to resolve this issue and the progress made.
I have read the
and understand that the Auto Fraud Legal Center is not my lawyer until both parties have signed a Retainer Agreement, which will only happen after a detailed review of my situation.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.