California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.5.1 – Fee Divisions Among Lawyers, permits lawyers who are not in the same law firm to divide a fee for legal services so long as the lawyers enter into a written agreement to divide the fee and the Client(s) consents in writing to this dividing of the fee.
The Auto Fraud Legal Center LLP is more than willing to help any prospective clients referred to us by fellow licensed California Attorneys who have a case which matches our practice area.
To comply with this Rule, the client’s consent must include a full disclosure of the details, the Referring Attorney’s identity and terms of the division.
Attorney fee amounts will not increase as a result of this relationship.
If any licensed California Attorney wishes to bring a prospective client to our attention and be entitled to a Fee Division if the party retains Auto Fraud Legal Center LLP and there is a favorable outcome to their matter which includes payment for legal services, please email and be sure to include all contact information and some information about the case if available.
Please be advised that Auto Fraud Legal Center LLP already receives a large amount of leads due to its own marketing. In some cases, prospective clients find this website or call into the firm prior to or concurrent with a referral. In this situation, the Referring Attorney would not be entitled to any portion of any fees collected. An effort will be made to communicate this pre-existing connection, but it cannot be guaranteed.
A Referring Attorney would be wise to introduce the prospective client to Auto Fraud Legal Center directly rather than direct them to this website or rely upon the client to properly identify their referral source.