Ahmedo v. Jaguar Land Rover North America LLC – San Diego
Our client bought a new 2015 Land Rover Range Rover Sport in January 2015, and alleges that within a year and a half the Range Rover’s check-engine light (“CEL”) began to light up due to the Range Rover’s overheating. After TEN repair attempts within five and a half years for engine overheating and coolant-system breakdowns – at least one of which was over 30 straight days – Jaguar Land Rover allegedly refused our client’s request for a buyback. If you’ve been sold or leased a Range Rover that keeps going back in for repairs again and again for the same problem, you may have a lemon! Please contact david@rbblawgroup.com. Rosner Barry & Babbitt’s Auto Fraud Legal Center will provide you a FREE evaluation of your rights. We are here to help you!