OC AutoSource Allegedly Scams its Customers

In Elgin v. OC AutoSource, Inc., et al., Orange County Case No. 30-2016-00892052-CU-CO-CJC, our client alleges that not only did the dealer lie about the condition of the vehicle, but also whether the factory warranty still applied. Our client learned of the alleged lies after the engine of her 2013 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque seized due to sludge build-up. OC AutoSource refused to cover the cost of repair to the engine.

But wait there’s more! Our client also alleges OC AutoSource cheats people by overcharging governmental fees, and then pocketing the money. The lawsuit alleges that OC AutoSource overcharged our client at least $443.

Attorneys at the Rosner, Barry & Babbitt’s Auto Fraud Legal Center are ready to help, if something similar happened to you. Contact Jeff Le Pere if you believe a dealership scammed you. jeff@rbblawgroup.com