Did you really purchase a Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) Vehicle, or did the dealership simply tell you it was certified in order to charge you more money? Under California law, a dealership must provide you prior to sale with a completed inspection report that itemizes all components that had been inspected as part of the certification process. Thus, you should be able to buy a certified CPO vehicle with confidence knowing the dealership has in fact inspected the vehicle.
The Auto Fraud Legal Center is finding that dealerships are not disclosing prior accident damage or prior body work that should have been identified as part of the pre-certification inspection. In Martinez v. Forman Donald, et al. , Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2018-00974537-CU-CO-CJC, we allege Tustin Nissan failed to disclose prior damage, but still sold our client a 2014 Nissan Versa as “certified.” We also allege Nissan and Tustin Nissan violated California’s Lemon Law by selling an accident damaged vehicle as a CPO. We anticipate Tustin Nissan will argue the manufacturer, Nissan, allows them to certify vehicles even though they have prior accident damage or prior body work. This then begs the question: why are customers paying more money to buy a certified vehicle?
The lawsuit we filed demands that Nissan and/or Tustin Nissan repurchase the 2014 Nissan Versa. Contact Jeff Le Pere to address any potential lemon law claim or CPO claim you may have.