Infiniti Q50

The Infiniti Q50 is a luxury sedan. However, your Q50 may still be a lemon. People are contacting the Lemon Law Department at the Auto Fraud Legal Center because their Q50 needs repairs to the electrical system, engine, transmission, and other interior components. Frequently technicians report that they could not duplicate, or no problem found (NPF) on the repair orders. We still may be able to help you!
Start by documenting the defects with your cell phone camera. If you are not able to take a picture or video, then keep a log as to when and where the defect occurs. Note the date, time, and location. This can help you make the case that the dealership is not taking the time necessary to properly diagnose what’s happening with your car.
Whether your purchased you Q50 new or as a Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle, let us see if we can help you. Please contact the Lemon Law Department at the Auto Fraud Legal Center for a free case review. We have been representing consumers in California for over thirty years. Contact Jeff Le Pere to address any potential lemon law claim or dealer misrepresentation claim you may have.