Ford F-150

The Ford F-Series Truck is the most popular vehicle sold in the United States.  Yet, the Ford F-150 has its issues.  The Lemon Law Department at Rosner, Barry and Babbitt’s Auto Fraud Legal Center is receiving more and more calls from clients who believe their Ford F-150 may be a lemon.  Common defects include engine, transmission, coolant leaks, engine rattle or knock, electric, software, stalling, and check engine light problems.

California’s lemon law is designed to protect consumers by requiring car companies to repurchase or replace vehicles that suffer from warranty defects that cannot be fixed in a reasonable number of attempts – sometimes as few as 2 repair attempts.  If you think your Ford F-150 may be a lemon, you may be entitled to get your money back and it won’t cost you anything as all your attorney’s fees and costs will be paid by the automobile manufacturer.

Please contact the Lemon Law Department at the Auto Fraud Legal Center for a free case review.  We are here to help you! We have been representing consumers in California for over thirty years.  Contact Jeff Le Pere to address any potential lemon law claim or dealer misrepresentation claim you may have.