The Ford Explorer has had issues with exhaust fumes and potentially deadly carbon monoxide entering the cabin of the SUV. The model years most prone to this are 2016-2017 Explorers. In response, Ford has announced specific repair protocols under field service action (FSA) 17N03 and 19N05, which are to be made available regardless of mileage or warranty status until July 31, 2022.
This then begs the question: How many times have you taken your Ford Explorer to a Ford dealer after smelling exhaust? What other defects have you had Ford repair under the warranty? Have you reached the point of having lost confidence in your Ford Explorer?
The Lemon Law Department at the Auto Fraud Legal Center may be able to assist you. Contact us for a free case review. If we accept your case, we would ask Ford to pay any attorney fees and costs that on incurred on your behalf. We have been representing consumers in California for over thirty years. Contact Jeff Le Pere to address any potential lemon law claim or dealer misrepresentation claim you may have.