Dealerships in California are required as a matter of law to sell you a car at the advertised price, even if you don’t know about the ad. (See, Vehicle Code § 11713.1(e).) So after you buy a car, it can be a good idea to enter the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) into Google to check the dealer’s website and see if there’s an ad for you car that has a different price.
Also, many dealers now use electronic contracts. Before you sign, make sure the price and payment on the computer screen match the price and payment you negotiated. If the finance person won’t show you the computer screen, then chances are you are not signing the deal you negotiated.
If you purchased a car over an advertised price, Rosner, Barry and Babbitt’s Auto Fraud Legal Center is ready to fight for you. Contact Jeff Le Pere to address any potential lemon law claim or dealer misrepresentation claim you may have. jeff@rbblawgroup.com