Does your 2017 Chevy Silverado 1500 have hard shifts?  A reason for the hard shifts seems to be related to defective software.  Chevrolet does not seem to have an effective means to repair this defect.  Yet, people continue to drive their Chevy Silverado 1500 with is sluggish response and a hard shift in between gears.  Most people notice this defect or harsh shift 1-2 and back to 2-1.

If you own a Chevy Silverado 1500 and are experiencing a harsh shift that has not been fixed in a reasonable number of attempts while under warranty, the Lemon Law Department at Rosner, Barry and Babbitt’s Auto Fraud Legal Center can help you file a lemon claim to get it replaced or repurchased.

Please contact the Lemon Law Department at the Auto Fraud Legal Center for a free case review.  We are here to help you! We have been representing consumers in California for over thirty years.  Contact Jeff Le Pere to address any potential lemon law claim or dealer misrepresentation claim you may have.  jeff@rbblawgroup.com