Genesis Ordonez v. Pedder Nissan

Auto Fraud Legal Center has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Genesis Ordonez against Pedder Nissan. Ms. Ordonez alleges that Pedder Nissan improperly disclosed a deferred downpayment on the sales contract, a violation of California law. A deferred downpayment is a downpayment not made in cash on the day of the purchase. If you gave the dealership a check to be held for a few weeks, you may have an illegal sales contract.

Not only did Pedder Nissan improperly disclose the deferred downpayment, Pedder Nissan also had Ms. Ordonez sign a Hold Check Agreement. A Hold Check Agreement has payment terms that are different from your sales contract, a violation of California auto financing law.

Auto Fraud Legal Center believes Pedder Nissan’s illegal practices are widespread. In fact, AFLC filed a class action lawsuit against Pedder Nissan earlier this year. Want to see what other bad things Pedder Nissan has done to its customers? Click “Pedder Nissan” at the bottom of this post.

Did you sign a Hold Check Agreement for a deferred downpayment? Did you write a check that Pedder Nissan said it would hold for a few weeks? If so, contact the law office of Auto Fraud Legal Center  for a free contract review to see if you have an illegal sales contract.