Nowadays when you take your Honda CR-V, Toyota Camry, Jeep Grand Cherokee, or Ford in for service, your local dealership will tell you that there’s a software update, or flash the computer. Your service advisor may use the term Engine Control Module (ECM), Powertrain Control Module (PCM), Transmission Control Module (TCM), or Body Control Module (BCM). What’s a module?
A module is car talk for a computer. In layman’s terms, each computer or module controls or monitors an aspect of your vehicle. When you take your vehicle to a dealer because you are having electrical issues, lack of power, stalling, etc., the dealer will often say that it could not duplicate your problem or No Problem Found. This is often abbreviated on your repair order as “NPF.”
Look carefully at your repair order. You may see that the dealer updated the software, or flashed a module. This means that they tried to fix your car because there was a defect, even though the repair order said “NPF.” We believe that car dealers write up repair orders like this in order to avoid potential liability under the lemon law.
You should contact the Auto Fraud Legal Center for a free case review for a potential lemon law claim if a car dealer is telling you it can’t duplicate your problem. We are here to help you! We have been representing consumers in California for over thirty years.”
Contact Jeff Le Pere to address any potential lemon law claim or dealer misrepresentation claim you may have.