Did Team Nissan Fail to Disclose the Vehicle’s Rental History?
Our client saw an advertisement for a 2014 GMC Yukon XL from Team Nissan, a Ventura County dealership located in Oxnard. Our client went to the dealership, test drove the vehicle, and decided she wanted to purchase it.
Soon after purchase, our client alleges she experienced mechanical issues and had to return to the dealership for repairs. Upon further investigation, our client discovered the vehicle was previously used as a rental, which the dealership allegedly failed to disclose.
In California, a dealer must disclose if a vehicle was previously used as a rental.
If a dealership sold you a vehicle and didn’t disclose its rental history, Rosner, Barry & Babbitt can help. You can contact Jason Stones at (858) 348-1005, or email jason@rbblawgroup.com.