Car Breaks Down on Way Home From Dealership – Bulmer v. Carfast San Diego, Inc., et al.
In the case of Bulmer v. Carfast San Diego, Inc., et al., our client alleges he searched online for a Chevrolet Silverado that was reminiscent of his prior truck and found one available at Carfast San Diego in El Cajon. He alleges he contacted the dealership to negotiate the price before driving hundreds of miles to the dealership to purchase his replacement truck. That day, our client claims, Carfast San Diego told him the truck was running well. He alleges based on these representations he purchased the truck.
To our client’s dismay, on his long trek home, smoke began emitting from under the hood and from the exhaust. He alleges, as a result, he was pulled over by law enforcement and given a warning for excessive smoke. Despite receiving an express warranty from Carfast San Diego, our client alleges neither the warranty provider nor Carfast San Diego did anything to help him. He has since parked what he thought would be his dream truck.
If your dealership also refuses to repair a defect covered by its express warranty, contact Auto Fraud Legal Center’s Auto Fraud Legal Center for a FREE evaluation of your rights.