Banks v Capital City Used Auto Sales
Our client purchased as used a used 2004 Chevrolet Corvette from Capital City Used Auto Sales in Sacramento. After reviewing the facts, our auto fraud law firm alleged that the following fraudulent actions were employed by the dealership. First, the federally required Buyer’s Guide was not posted on the 2004 Chevrolet Corvette. Next, the dealer verbally told our client that there were no problems with the Corvette and further informed him that his mechanic had hooked up a “diagnostic code reader” to the Corvette which proved that there was nothing wrong with the car. It was also alleged that Capital City Used Auto Sales violated the Single Document Rule of the Automobile Sales Finance Act regarding our client’s down payment, Additionally, Capital City Used Auto Sales over-charged our client for license fees and never refunded the money. Finally, Capital City Used Auto Sales failed to tell our client-buyer that that the 2004 Chevrolet Corvette had once been stolen and at some point recovered. After bringing a lawsuit against Capital City Used Auto Sales the dealership took back our client’s car, refunded his money, paid off his automobile loan and paid his attorneys’ fees and costs.
If Capital City Used Auto Sales in Sacramento, or your dealership, failed to disclose material facts about the car. truck or SUV you purchased, or if you were overcharged for license fees or were a victim of other illegal dealer conduct, please contact Rosner, Barry & Babbitt’s Auto Fraud Legal Center will provide you with a FREE evaluation of potential dealer fraud in your vehicle purchase. We fight on the side of the consumer.