Appellate Win Against Stevens Creek Jeep.
In DeNike v. Mathew Enterprise, Inc. (2022) 76 Cal.App.5th 371, RBB successfully represented the consumer at trial and obtained a jury verdict and an injunction against Mathew Enterprise, Inc. doing business as Stevens Creek Jeep. The dealership appealed the trial judgment and the award of attorney’s fees. RBB was successful in both appeals. Our client kept his trial judgment against Stevens Creek, the injunction against the dealership’s unlawful practices, and RBB kept the attorney’s fees awarded by the trial court. What should have been a simple case, turned into a years-long battle. Before the lawsuit, the dealership’s general manager told our client “Go ahead and sue us. We have more attorneys than you do.” After years of litigation the dealership will have to pay for both their attorneys’ time as well as RBB’s time for winning at trial and successfully defending the appeal.