Always Check Your License Fees

Clients often ask what type of fraud we see the most here. While we have plenty of stories involving big lies and horrible scandals, one of the most common types of fraud is much more subtle than that. Many dealerships will overcharge consumers for vehicle license fees because they don’t think that consumers will notice. And most of the time, they are right! Don’t fall victim to this common scheme. The license fees for your vehicle may not legally exceed .65% of the market value of the vehicle. The cash price of your vehicle, which is noted on Line 1(A)(1) of your sales contract, is unlikely to be less than the market value of the vehicle. Therefore, if your license fees are more than .65% of that number, you might be the victim of subtle dealership fraud. If you were overcharged, the dealership is required to refund you the overcharged amount without you asking!
If something looks fishy on your contract, contact us for a free consultation at 858-348-1005.