2017-2019 Chevrolet Bolt

Reports are circulating that General Motors (GM) allegedly concealed widespread defects in the 60 kWh 350V lithium-ion batteries that can cause the Chevrolet Bolt cars to catch fire. GM has developed an interim fix to allegedly minimize the risk of fire; however, this interim fix prevents owners of the Chevy Bolt from fulling charging their batteries, limiting them to 90% capacity. This, obviously, limits the range of the Chevy Bolt.
If your Chevy Bolt has defects or is not getting the range it should, the Lemon Law Department at the Auto Fraud Legal Center is ready to help you. Contact us for a free case review. If we accept your case, we would ask GM to pay any attorney fees and costs that on incurred on your behalf. We have been representing consumers in California for over thirty years. Contact Jeff Le Pere to address any potential lemon law claim or dealer misrepresentation claim you may have. jeff@rbblawgroup.com